Hunting agency Pawlikowski Hunting Travel has a wide range of offers in Poland. Priority in Poland is given to hunting roe deer buck, and this is done both in May (beginning of the season) and at the end of July and the beginning of August (mating season).

In our office we have offers from the best fisheries in Poland, where it is not uncommon for buck and roe deer trophies to reach a weight of over 600 g (gross). In recent years, several specimens weighing more than 700 g (gross) have been acquired.

Secondarily, we specialize in bull deer hunting, where we also have offers for both very large trophies (over 11 kg) and medium-sized bull deer trophies.

We organize hunts in the best places in Poland from the Carpathian Mountains, through the Mazurian Lake District  to Western Pomerania.

Another specialty of our hunting office is the organization of group hunts, primarily for small game, including grey hares, pheasants and ducks and geese. We also offer group hunts for big game, using the traditional method of hunting with dogs, as well as silent hunting for deer and the so-called 'Swedish method'.

On special request, we also organize hunts for rare species such as red deer. The owner of the hunting office - Slawomir Pawlikowski - is a specialist in the luring of hazel grouse and is always available to help with the luring of birds of this species.